
Reset! Live Podcast: first season is out!


In 2024, Reset! headed to Brussels, returning to the network’s origins, at the Reset venue. Dedicated to championing independent cultural and media organisations throughout Europe, Reset! delved into the challenges faced by independent cultural and media organisations across the continent through a series of open recorded discussions.



Reset! Live Podcast #1: Technology and Decentralisation: What Futures for Independent Culture?


With: Evgeny Morozov (Author), natacha roussel (petites singularités), Daoud Ghalimi (Bandswith). Moderation: Amaelle Guiton (Libération)

In this episode Technology and Decentralisation: What Futures for Independent Culture?, Reset! explored the rise of alternative technologies and the potential threats posed by tech giants to independent culture. As blockchain, open-source platforms, and decentralised networks offer new avenues for creativity and distribution, we discussed how these innovations can protect cultural independence and resist corporate monopolies. Experts and innovators, who are both reflecting on and supporting these alternative technologies, examined the battle for the future of independent art and media in the face of growing corporate dominance.


Go further on the topic:

Dismantling Digital Dominance in Culture: Exploring Alternatives Models to Tech Giants – Reset!’s Atlas of Independent Culture and Media

The Santiago Boys Podcast

There Are No Markets Anymore: From Neoliberalism to Big TechUniversität Wien

Asma Mhalla, Technopolitique, Paris, Seuil, 2024 (French)

De-Google-Ify Internet – Framasoft

petites singularités



Reset! Live Podcast #2: The Future of the Independent Cultural Scene in Ukraine: Support the Resilience


With: Nikolay Karabinovych (Artist), Katerina Lipovka (De Structura), Willy Kokolo (European Commission). Moderation: Vitalii Nemchenko (20ft Radio)

In this episode “The Future of the Independent Cultural Scene in Ukraine: Support the Resilience,” we delve into the heart of Ukraine's independent cultural scene, exploring its resilience and the forces driving it forward. As the country faces ongoing challenges due the full-scale Russian invasion, artists, musicians, and cultural workers are not just surviving, they're thriving, forging new paths, and strengthening their communities. Here, we uncover how these cultural players are adapting, what support systems are emerging within and outside of Ukraine, and what the future holds for independent culture in Ukraine.



Reset! Live Podcast #3: Behind the Scenes: The Working Conditions Backstage of Independent Culture


With: Barbara Statcher (European Commission), Billie Dibb (European Alternatives), Zsofi Borsi (Lazy Women). Moderation: Diane Theunissen (Journalist)

In this episode “Behind the Scenes: the Working Conditions Backstage of Independent Culture,” the veil is lifted on the unspoken realities of independent culture. We explore the working conditions that shape independent organisations. From the tireless efforts of crew members to the energy required to pull off performances on a shoestring budget, the grit, dedication, and passion–sometimes leading to serious mental health issues–that keep these cultural projects running are revealed. First-hand accounts from those who experience these challenging working conditions, offering a look at what is at stake and changes needed in the world of independent culture.



Reset! Live Podcast #4: Independent Voices Face High Ownership Concentration: Mapping the Cultural Landscape


With: Sébastien Desprez (Magma), Erica Pender Romero (Live DMA & Rocknrolla Producciones). Moderation: Matéo Vigné (Journalist)

In this episode “Independent Voices Face High Ownership Concentration: Mapping the Cultural Landscape,” we are following up on a research commission by the European Parliamentary Research Service at the request of Benjamin Feyen, Secretary General of the Cultural Creators Friendship Group entitled “The EU's live music sector - market distortion, value chains and ecosystem diversity.” We delve into the intricacies of Europe's live music sector. This conversation explores the market dynamics, competitions, and ecosystem diversity within the industry, highlighting the significant impact of major companies on market dominance and cultural variety. It addresses the challenges faced by independent entities, from venues to labels, and party organisers, emphasising the need for regulatory oversight and support for alternatives and diversity to sustain Europe's musical heritage and growth.