About us
Reset! is a European network, initiated by Arty Farty, gathering and supporting independent cultural and media organisations.
Reset! aims to highlight the fragile situation and specific needs of these independent players, who are neither under the control of any public authorities nor affiliated with large private groups.

The purpose of the network is:
→ to work together
→ to redesign (reset) the cultural and media landscape in Europe around the shared values of pluralism, diversity, equality and sustainability, in an inclusive and circular economy.
Reset! federates these players of diversity and pluralism in Europe, while amplifying their visibility and networking through a series of actions online and offline. Fragmented and isolated, the sector needs to be identified, supported, and gathered together to reach a critical mass and access recognition and transnational visibility.
Reset! is fully committed to create a new model, based upon resilience and recovery of the cultural and creative sector who is and has been particularly impacted by the latest crisis. The feedback of information, data and needs of independents will be tackled through surveys, journalistic features, the intervention of researchers and authors, as well as decentralised workshops in 16 countries which will allow us to propose adapted support programs to strengthen the capacity for survival, action and cooperation.
Reset! gathers a large range of independent cultural and media organisations such as venues, festivals, community radios, cinemas, bookshops, artistic hubs, booking agencies, local authorities and resource organisations.
The network aims to document the current state of the European independent cultural and media sector, by identifying its strength, its challenges, and the threats it encounters.
Our goals
Reset! has 3 main objectives:
To document the current state of the European independent cultural and media sector, by identifying its strength, its challenges, and the threats it encounters.
To empower independent cultural and media organisations by collectively developing solutions to effectively address the current threats and challenges faced by the independent sector.
To amplify voices of independent cultural and media organisations, and actively engage in the political arena, advocating for our interests, topics, and concerns.