
Robida is a collective that works at the intersection of written and spoken words – with Robida Magazine and Radio Robida – and spatial practices developed in relation to the village of Topolò/Topolove, where the collective is based. From 2015 the collective curates Robida Magazine, a multilingual cultural magazine, published once a year. The magazine explores different topics – such as abandonment, silence, the relation between domesticity and wildness etc. – which are connected to the place where the magazine comes to life, namely Topolò. In the years Robida Collective organized workshops of field recording, of landscape and architecture, symposiums and residencies for artists. In 2021 it opened two community spaces, a physical one, Izba – a small coworking and hospitality space for people who are from or who come to Topolò, and an immaterial one, Radio Robida, dedicated to our far-away community. The same year it also started to develop its own conception of artist residencies, that fits Topolò and its specificities. In 2022 Robida opened her own Academy of Margins, a place of encounter between central theories and marginal places and the relationship between relevant authors and a younger generation that usually reads them and is developing itself through their ideas.