Reset! governance is designed to respect principles of diversity and equality, both in terms of geographical representation and sectors covered. The executive committee undergoes annual renewal to guarantee optimal representation and inclusion of the network's members in the governance structure.

The Reset! Executive Committee is responsible for shaping the network's advocacy strategy, supervising and approving its development approach, and overseeing the overall organisation of the network.
Elected annually by our members, the Executive Committee is composed of 12 members, ensuring a balanced representation of genders, countries, sectors, and types of organisations.
The current Executive Committee is composed of:
Peter BOKOR (Lahmacun Radio / MMN | Hungary)
Kalina DUBOVSKA (Laboratorium | North Macedonia)
Tony EREIRA (Come Play With Me | UK)
Anastasia LEMBERG-LVOVA (De Structura | Estonia)
Samantha LIPPETT (ICRN / Palanga Street Radio | Lithuania)
Théo MAJCHER (Alter Ego (X) | France)
Alessandro MAZZONE (Electropark | Italy)
Ludovica MICHELIN (Flumi | Spain)
Giulia MONTE (Parsec | Italy)
Esteban RUIZ SÁNCHEZ (Rocknrolla Producciones | Spain)
Laurent BIGARELLA (Reset! coordination team | France)
Georgia TAGLIETTI (Reset! coordination team | Spain / Italy)